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  • Writer's pictureSoong-Ryong Jung (David) , DDS, MS, PhD

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

If you are considering dental implants to restore a missing tooth or teeth, you are likely to have some concerns. Is it true that they are the ideal option for you? How much do dental implants cost? Are you a good fit for the implant? Will your dental implants blend in with your natural teeth? And so on.

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants

Dental implants are the closest thing you can get to having healthy, natural teeth. A dental implant is a sophisticated tooth replacement that closely resembles the original tooth structure. To secure a crown, denture, or bridge, a titanium "root" is tightly implanted into the bone. It has the appearance, feel, and function of a natural tooth and can last a lifetime if properly maintained.

As they offer many advantages over previous treatments, dental implants have become the go-to solution for many people. Most patients can benefit from modern dental advancements, including those who were previously told they couldn't. The following are some of the major benefits of getting dental implants today.

1. Versatility

The number of teeth that bridges, partial veneers, and full dentures can restore is restricted. As a consequence, depending on how many teeth you have lost, your treatments may be limited.

Implants, on the other hand, are a treatment that can be used in a variety of ways. They can be fitted with a cap for a single tooth, a bridge or partial prosthesis for replacing several teeth, or full dentures for all of your teeth. This allows you and your dentist to come up with the ideal treatment plan for you.

2. A Natural Look

Dental implants are available in many different shapes and sizes. Your dentist will collaborate with you to create implants that are the same color as the rest of your teeth and fit snugly into the gap. Only you and your dentist will be able to tell which teeth are implants.

Dental implants now look as natural as they feel because of advances in technology and materials. Your prosthetics are custom-made for you, ensuring that your smile appears just as good as it feels. Your prosthetic tooth is designed to mix in flawlessly with your natural teeth.

With acrylic gums that match the color of your actual gums, even dentures look wonderfully lifelike. No one will be able to tell which of your teeth are real and which aren't if you use crowns, bridges, or dentures on your implants.

3. Long-Lasting

While a dental bridge will last a maximum of ten years, a dental implant can last a lifetime. The titanium implant is designed to blend in with the jawbone. It is biocompatible, which means it is not harmful and does not cause the body to reject it. Overall, it is a solid replacement tooth. This is because dental implants are extremely long-lasting.

Your implant will last a lifetime provided you maintain good dental hygiene, but wear and tear will necessitate you to change the crown on your implant every fifteen years or so. However, your whole bridge will need to be changed every five to fifteen years, depending on how well you maintain it.

Dentures need to be changed every five to eight years, and they need to be adjusted regularly due to bone loss in the jaw. The durability of implants saves you money in the long term because they do not need to be adjusted. They are really simple to maintain after your implant is in place.

4. Prevents Bone Loss

Because there is no tooth to stimulate the jaw bone in the empty spot, it deteriorates. If a tooth is lost and no implant is implanted during the first year, the bone portion loses 25% of its mass, and bone loss continues over time.

Dentures can also accelerate bone loss because they often become loose and grind on the bony ridge, eroding it away over time. Since an implant replaces both the foundation and the tooth, and chewing is restored, it offers stimulus for natural bone formation.

The roots of your teeth play an important role in your jawbone's growth by transmitting signals to it. When you lose a tooth, your body begins to resorb the bone that was once the tooth foundation, causing your face to cave in over time.

This vital role is performed by the titanium rod that attaches your implant into your jawbone, even stimulating the jawbone to develop around it during the healing process. Not only does it safeguard your face form by preventing bone loss, but it can also restore some bone loss that has already occurred. Since other tooth replacement solutions cannot stimulate the jawbone, they cannot do this.

5. Restores Chewing Ability

Dental implants secured in your jaw with a titanium frame to substitute the tooth root enable you to bite with roughly the same force as you would with your original teeth. Since they sit on top of the gums and are not fastened in place, other tooth replacement solutions do not restore nearly as much bite power.

If you are losing a few molars, you are probably aware of how much a few missing teeth might affect your ability to chew certain meals. Implants bridge the gap, allowing you to eat normally once more. Implant-supported dentures also do not have the same food restrictions as traditional dentures because they are anchored into your jawbone.

You can continue to eat your favorite chewy or crispy foods. You will also never have to worry about your dentures loosening as you eat, so you may eat whatever you want in public without feeling embarrassed.

6. Improves Oral Health

Even though getting a dental implant may seem invasive and frightening, many dentists regard implants to be a more cautious treatment option for lost teeth. This is because implants have no detrimental impact on your natural teeth. In the same manner that natural teeth are supported, implants are secured directly in the jaw.

Bridges, on the other hand, are secured by crowns placed on the healthy teeth adjacent to the gap in your smile. It is never a good idea to do dental work on otherwise healthy teeth because it can weaken them. Maintaining your dental health for years to come might be as simple as leaving your healthy teeth alone.

7. Are Cost-Effective

When you evaluate the long-term costs of dental implants to the costs of other treatments that may need to be updated regularly, you will find that they are surprisingly affordable. Your dentist can assist you in focusing on preventing future problems after your mouth is orally healthy and your implants have been safely implanted.

Crowned dental implants are very low-maintenance, requiring simply a regular oral hygiene practice to ensure they last as long as possible. Cleaning your teeth two times a day, flossing and rinsing a minimum of once a day, and seeing your dentist for regular preventative maintenance at least every six months are all examples of good oral hygiene.

You do not need to take any more steps in your oral hygiene regimen. Implants covered with bridges need only one additional step: cleaning under the false tooth to maintain your gums healthy, but implants capped with dentures need the same level of maintenance as traditional dentures.

8. Allows Natural Speech

Some tooth replacement solutions, such as dentures, can affect your ability to correctly enunciate words. Missing teeth can also affect your ability to communicate. Dental implants allow you to talk freely and naturally since they feel and operate like natural teeth.

Since our teeth play a vital part in helping us make specific sounds, removing a few critical front teeth might cause a surprising shift in your speech. Likewise, loose dentures might cause you to slur or lisp while you talk. This can be humiliating and distracting since you're constantly worried about your teeth slipping or how your voice will sound.

Both of these problems can be resolved with implants. If you just have a gap between your teeth, implants provide a cushion for your tongue to press against when generating words, making it considerably easier to speak right away.

Furthermore, multiple deeply embedded implants hold implant-supported dentures firmly in place, keeping them from loosening or sliding about in your mouth. Consequently, one of the benefits of getting dental implants is the ability to talk freely and confidently.

Final Word

Dental implants provide exceptional long-term value and can be a fantastic investment in long-term oral health due to the benefits of getting dental implants detailed above. Also, other tooth-replacement methods will need to be serviced regularly, whereas dental implants are built to last a lifetime.

If you are looking for a tooth replacement solution, dental implants are a great choice. Schedule an appointment with Jung Implant to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants.

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